My husband is Eastern European (Ukrainian) so we drink a lot of vodka at this house. There are some no-no’s – Tito’s, Smirnoff, and what-the-everloving-fuck is a Pink Whitney – and some vodkas that we love. Here’s a new one that we absolutely love – Lithuanian vodka.

Photo courtesy of my husband, Maks @caliwinter.
Lithuanian vodka – no fancy name or title needed – is just like its name: very smooth and almost deceivingly good. It’s one of those vodkas I honestly feel is compararable to some of the top-shelf brands like Grey Goose and Belvedere and maybe, Crystal Head edges it out in terms of quality. But for less than $10? Lithuanian vodka is a sure bet!
I found this at Total Wine and More, so I don’t think this is something you can just pick up at your local grocery store. I will suggest trying a liquor store or even BevMo! to see if they carry it.
Again, this is a vodka that’s cheap in price but definitely not in taste. It’ll make a great mixer or a nice, smooth standalone. There is no aftertaste!
Have you tried it? What did you think?